02 October 2009

Why Porter Ain't Here

Whether it's a local physician, educational leader, political figure, or religious guard, "what happens socially when leaders lose their bearing?"

Lyrics: Jeff Kreh

He was a doctor who liked to drink too much coffee
among other things, he also liked his bourbon and beer
didn't mind performing surgery while intoxicated
which was fine 'til someone died and he got twenty years

That's why Porter ain't here
That's why Porter ain't here
That's why Porter ain't here

Another doctor 'round the same time with that small Southern-town logic
rallied with his brothers, grabbed the white sheets and headed for the sticks
burned the very symbol of the god he worshiped every Sunday
and I heard that he got sick
yeah, I heard God made him very sick


There was another many years ago with no such problems
did His job in ways for free, Science just still can't explain
but around the time these Porters were performing their injustice
they took this guy out of schools
and since then it's been insane


Nothing Again

Begins from the beginning of my spiritually aware journey, wondering, "if nothing comes from nothing, how can this existence just turn into nothing at the end?"

Lyrics: Jeff Kreh

When I was six or seven
I learned to play with Plato
read all those stories and looked deep in the mine
Then older, maybe many
many “olders” later
I turned around to leave, surprised at what I could not find

And I, who once believed in nothing
tried to comprehend
all this melting down
into sum nothing again

When I look on my TV
it's not the way life should be
it's not the mother who feels like she'd like to lose her child
It's wild and over-happy
but not the kind that's sappy
it's real, oh so real
it's real, oh so real


So I sit all contemplative
if real then why the waiting
why not just come and show us right where you are
Look around at all this sorrow
no childhood joy to borrow
dressed up and messed up and crawling cross the floor


Under the Sun (Ecc. iv.1-2)

Look through the Preacher's glasses to ask, "why is it 'okay' that there are oppressed children in this world who have no one to comfort them?"

Lyrics: King Solomon (adapted from the ESV)

Again I saw
the oppressions
under the sun

And behold
the tears
of the oppressed

Little children have
no one
no one
no one to comfort them

Song Titles (a teaser)

I mentioned in my last post that I was rediscovering Bob Marley and the Wailers for the first time again... The saturation certainly worked to help out with a new song! "Under the Sun" is too quirky-cool to be anything but the first cut. Instead of go on and on about how fun it is to take the "Paul McCartney Approach" of pretending to be another person and then try to write in their style, I'll launch into the track list and offer a brief question that the lyrics raise in my mind:

  1. Under the Sun (Ecc. iv.1-2): a look through the Preacher's glasses to ask, "why is it 'okay' that there are oppressed children in this world who have no one to comfort them?"
  2. Nothing Again: begins from the beginning of my spiritually aware journey, wondering, "if nothing comes from nothing, how can this existence just turn into nothing at the end?"
  3. Why Porter Ain't Here: whether it's a local physician, educational leader, political figure, or religious guard, "what happens socially when leaders lose their bearing?"
  4. Ishmael: holding my 4-month old son the day the towers came down, I couldn't help but ponder, "just how far back is our present geopolitical upheaval rooted?"
  5. Hear: in marriage, as with any other relationship, when we can no longer agree to get along, "how can we begin to be 'we' again?"
  6. To Any Looking In: it's a bit arrogant to assume the world notices religious efforts, so to be fair, "if (not when) the world thinks 'church', what does it see?"
  7. I See You: "what does Jesus look like from our time/space distance to one who desperately wants to believe?"
  8. Remote Control: when those in charge just keep holding their hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look into their eyes, and continually repeat, 'everything's fine, it's all okay, everything's fine...relax, trust me...' despite your most rational protest, "what then??"
  9. Anymore: in a consumer-driven society oblivious to being played for profit, "how much is enough? What is enough?"
  10. Lift the Veil (2 Cor 3): "if I'm spiritually blind to what I'm spiritually blind to, then how can I ever hope to see without a little help from a sight-enabling friend?"
  11. Born to Die: I believe He was 'Born to Die', soooo, "why keep that story silent?"
  12. My Beloved and Me: "what does sharing the story of eternal love look like in 21st century culture?"
  13. The Land of Endless Day: an invitation which simply asks, "why in the world would you wait when the world offers nothing at all?"
I'll be posting the lyrics to these songs very shortly (and the final order is far from settled...). Please make comments to those which somehow connect with you and do me the honor of letting me know how or why. Also, be critical!! Lacking omniscience, I can use all the perspective you have to offer...

My hope is that "least" will help people who question the "right" answers they've been handed through life as they keep looking for The Answer. Thanks for participating.
